WCS Logistics

Out of the Past… 100 Years Ago

Out of the Past… 100 Years Ago

An Article by Priscilla Lehman of The Winchester Star brought to light archives from past publications. One in particular from 100 years ago was about the founding of Winchester Cold Storage Company that we would later know as WCS Logistics.

Out of the Past… from the Archives of The Winchester Star By Priscilla Lehman Article Published on May 1, 2017

“Articles of incorporation have been recorded in the Corporation Clerk’s office of the city of Winchester and also with the Secretary of State at Richmond, incorporating the Winchester Cold Storage Company.

The purpose of the corporation are to erect a cold storage plant with approximately 100,000 barrels’ capacity and, in addition, to manufacture ice to be offered to the consumers of Winchester and Frederick County.

The corporation has purchased five acres of land from Mrs. Margaret Kremer, immediately south of he fairgrounds. The price paid for this land was $11,000. It is centrally located, accessible to both railroads, and is considered an ideal situation for the purposes of a cold storage and ice plant.”

April 26, 1917

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